Stress is omnipresent at work, and for many, it leads to serious mental health issues such as burnout syndrome.
In 2022, in the U.S., 50% of employees reported experiencing moderate to high levels of burnout. Women are affected more frequently than men.
But what does burnout mean and how do you recognize the warning signs?
What is Burnout?
Burnout syndrome is not an illness in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a state of complete physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that significantly reduces performance and can lead to mental or psychosomatic illnesses.
The Twelve Stages of Burnout
This model illustrates how an individual can become increasingly trapped in a downward spiral from which they cannot escape. Providing a supportive social environment is crucial. Burnout is a serious condition that requires professional treatment and therapy.
Prevention and Help
Um Burnout vorzubeugen, ist es wichtig, die Warnsignale zu erkennen und frühzeitig zu handeln. Hier sind einige Ressourcen:
Telephone: 0800-111 0 111 (24/7 erreichbar) or Chat
If you suffer from stress and want to avoid burnout, a coaching program can help. Contact me for individual stress relief coaching.
Take Away
Burnout syndrome develops over a long period of time.
The process is characterized by different stages, each with distinct characteristics.
It’s important to identify the warning signs early and seek assistance.