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You take a shower, make breakfast, drive to work, get stuck in traffic, rush from meeting to meeting, finish a report, support a colleague, do some quick shopping, and prepare dinner. Oh, and remember the laundry. Phew. Does an ordinary day look like this for you, too?

If so, you’re one of many women who often feel stressed. Women report a higher average stress level than men (5.3 versus 4.8 out of 10) and are more likely to rate their stress levels between 8 and 10 (27% versus 21%).

But what exactly causes stress for us women?

Common Sources of Stress for Women

Stress levels vary from person to person, but three main areas commonly contribute to stress:

Stress at Work

For many women, the job is a significant stress cause. High self-expectations are a major stressor for the majority of women. We often feel we need to work harder to keep up with male colleagues and tend to blame ourselves if tasks aren’t completed perfectly.

External factors also contribute to workplace stress.

Unequal pay, job insecurity, limited opportunities for advancement, and inadequate support from colleagues or superiors can increase stress. A heavy workload and time pressure, especially when combined with family responsibilities, exacerbate these feelings.

Stress in Relationships

Relationships can be another major stressor. Women often invest significant time and energy into their relationships and may find the following particularly stressful:

  • Lack of communication: When partners, for example, are unwilling to discuss conflicts or problems, tension builds. Men often respond with silence because they have no solution to the problem, making it impossible for their partners to get rid of their negative emotions.
  • Low level of empathy: A partner’s inability to understand our complex emotional world can be frustrating.
  • Hurtful behavior: Public displays of insensitivity or hurtful comments can deeply affect us.

Stress in the Family

Family responsibilities often add to daily stress. Unequal distribution of duties within the family can be particularly taxing.

Women often feel more responsible for childcare and the well-being of all family members. We handle much of the organization and planning, from buying the kids’ rubber boots to picking out a birthday gift for the mother-in-law.

We tend to take on too much, rarely say no, and end up overwhelmed.

Three Effective Ways to Reduce Stress

While it’s unrealistic to eliminate stress entirely, there are effective ways to manage it:


Identify Your Stressors.

Understand what specifically causes your stress. Is it work-related tasks, working conditions, or colleagues? By identifying your stressors, you can take steps to address them.


Use Your Time Effectively.

Often, a lack of time triggers stress. This isn’t necessarily due to a shortage of time but rather trying to do too much. Prioritize your tasks and goals to use your time more effectively.

Remember, you can’t do everything.


 Take Time for Yourself.

Recovery periods are essential. Schedule time for activities you enjoy and that help you relax.

Whether it’s a walk, a quick meditation, or an hour at the gym, protect these times and make them non-negotiable.

Take Away:

    • Woman power and a stress-free life don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
    • By recognizing our stress triggers, managing our time effectively, and scheduling regular relaxation, we can reduce stress and achieve a more balanced life.

Finding a way out of the stress trap isn’t always easy, but seeking support, such as through Coaching, can make the journey easier.

Together, we can navigate the challenges and find balance.

Talk to me now!

Andrea Seekatz

I'm a trained & certified coach (ICF) and psychologist. Don't forget: Take Care of Your Self.

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